God's Pharmacy/very interesting-----thought this might
interest you..
A friend sent this to me...It's been said that God first separated
the salt water from the fresh, made dry land, planted a garden,
made animals and fish...All before making a human... He made
and provided what we'd need before we were born. These are
best & more powerful when eaten raw. We're such slow
learners...God left us a great clue as to what foods help what
part of our body!
God's Pharmacy! Amazing!
A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and
radiating lines look just like the human eye... And YES, science
now shows carrots greatly enhance blood flow and function of
the eyes.
A Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart has four
chambers and is red. All of the research shows tomatoes are
loaded with lycopine and are indeed pureheart and blood food.
Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each
grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows
grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food.
A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere,
upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles
or folds on the nut arejust like the neo-cortex We now know
walnuts help develop more than three(3) dozen neuron-
transmitters for brain function.
Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function
and yes, they look exactly like the human kidneys.
Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and many more look just like
bones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones
are 23% sodium and thesefoods are 23% sodium. If you
don't have enough sodium in your diet, the bodypulls it from
the bones, thus making them weak. These foods replenish
the skeletal needs of the body.
Avocadoes, Eggplant and Pears target the health and function
of the womb and cervix of the female - they look just like these
organs. Today's research shows that when a woman eats one
avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth
weight, and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is
this? It takes exactly nine (9)months to grow an avocado from
blossom to ripened fruit.
There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of
nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science has only
studied and named about 141 of them).
Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs
increase the mobility of male sperm and increase the numbers
of Sperm as well to overcome male sterility.
Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance
the glycemic index of diabetics.
Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries.
Oranges, Grapefruits, and other Citrus fruits look just like
the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the
health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and
out of the breasts.
Onions look like the body's cells. Today's research shows
onions help clear waste materials from all of the body cells.
They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of
the eyes. A working companion, Garlic, also helps eliminate
waste materials and dangerous free radicals from the body.
Please don't break this even if you only send it to one
person. Look at the date when this was started. Thanks.
Notice at the end, the date the candle was started.
Gonna give you goose bumps.
I am not going to be the one who Lets it die.
I found it believable ---This candle was lit on the 15th of
September, 1998. Someone who loves you has helped Keep
it alive by sending it to you.
Please keep this candle alive, and enjoy!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
WARNING for ALL Parents/Grandparents
* This story was forwarded to me from my aunt, and to her from a dear friend.
Yesterday, my youngest daughter, Halle who is just 4 years old,
was rushed to the ER by her father for being severely lethargic
and incoherent in her classroom. He was called to her school by
the school secretary who said that she was 'VERY VERY SICK'!
He told me that when he arrived at her classroom, Halle was
barely sitting in the chair.. She couldn't hold her own head up
and when he looked into her eyes, she couldn't focus them. He
immediately scooped her up and rushed her to the closest ER,
and then called me. When he got there, they ran blood test
after blood test and did x-rays, every test imaginable. Her
white blood cell count was normal, nothing was out of the
When I arrived at the ER, the doctor there told us that he had
done everything that he could do so he was transferring her to
Saint Francis Hospital for further tests.
Right as we were leaving in the ambulance, her teacher arrived
at the ER and told us that after questioning Halle 's classmates,
She had found out that our little girl had licked liquid hand
sanitizer off of her hands !!! Hand sanitizer, of all things. But it
makes sense. These days they have all kinds of different scents
and flavors and when you have a curious child, they are going
to put all kinds of things into their mouths.
When we arrived at the Saint Francis' Hospital ER, we told
the ER Doctor there to check her blood alcohol level, and yes
we did get weird looks, but they did it. The results showed
her blood alcohol level was 85% -- six hours after we first
took her.. There's no telling what it would have been if we
would have requested it at the first ER.
Since then, her school and a few surrounding schools have
taken the liquid hand sanitizers out of all the lower grade
classes, but what's to stop middle and high schoolers from
ingesting this stuff?
After doing research on the Internet, we found out that it only
takes about three squirts of the stuff ingested to be fatal to a
For her blood alcohol level to be so high, it would be like
someone her size drinking 120 proof liquor. So PLEASE,
PLEASE don't disregard this because we don't ever want
another family to go through what ours has gone through.
Please send this to everyone you know that have children,
grandchildren, nieces, nephews or cousins.
It doesn't matter what age. This could affect anyone of them .
This can also be verified on truth or fiction, see below...
This story was verified at: ( http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/sanitizer.asp)
This is not a Joke! This is a Warning for all parents / grandparents PLEASE OPEN !!!
Warning for all parents/grandparents, a friend sent this to me and I thought
it was important enough to send on......we all know someone with children --
Yesterday, my youngest daughter, Halle who is just 4 years old,
was rushed to the ER by her father for being severely lethargic
and incoherent in her classroom. He was called to her school by
the school secretary who said that she was 'VERY VERY SICK'!
He told me that when he arrived at her classroom, Halle was
barely sitting in the chair.. She couldn't hold her own head up
and when he looked into her eyes, she couldn't focus them. He
immediately scooped her up and rushed her to the closest ER,
and then called me. When he got there, they ran blood test
after blood test and did x-rays, every test imaginable. Her
white blood cell count was normal, nothing was out of the
When I arrived at the ER, the doctor there told us that he had
done everything that he could do so he was transferring her to
Saint Francis Hospital for further tests.
Right as we were leaving in the ambulance, her teacher arrived
at the ER and told us that after questioning Halle 's classmates,
She had found out that our little girl had licked liquid hand
sanitizer off of her hands !!! Hand sanitizer, of all things. But it
makes sense. These days they have all kinds of different scents
and flavors and when you have a curious child, they are going
to put all kinds of things into their mouths.
When we arrived at the Saint Francis' Hospital ER, we told
the ER Doctor there to check her blood alcohol level, and yes
we did get weird looks, but they did it. The results showed
her blood alcohol level was 85% -- six hours after we first
took her.. There's no telling what it would have been if we
would have requested it at the first ER.
Since then, her school and a few surrounding schools have
taken the liquid hand sanitizers out of all the lower grade
classes, but what's to stop middle and high schoolers from
ingesting this stuff?
After doing research on the Internet, we found out that it only
takes about three squirts of the stuff ingested to be fatal to a
For her blood alcohol level to be so high, it would be like
someone her size drinking 120 proof liquor. So PLEASE,
PLEASE don't disregard this because we don't ever want
another family to go through what ours has gone through.
Please send this to everyone you know that have children,
grandchildren, nieces, nephews or cousins.
It doesn't matter what age. This could affect anyone of them .
This can also be verified on truth or fiction, see below...
This story was verified at: ( http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/sanitizer.asp)
This is not a Joke! This is a Warning for all parents / grandparents PLEASE OPEN !!!
Warning for all parents/grandparents, a friend sent this to me and I thought
it was important enough to send on......we all know someone with children --
T'was the Night Before Christmas - PG-13
T'was the night before Christmas and all through the kitchen; I was cooking and baking and moaning and bitchin'. I've been in here for hours, I can't stop to rest. This room's a disaster, just look at the mess! Tomorrow I've got thirty people to feed. They expect all the trimmings. Who cares what I need! My feet are both blistered, I've got cramps in my legs. The cat just knocked over a bowl full of eggs. There's a knock at the door and the telephone's ringing. Frosting drips on the counter as the microwave's dinging. Two pies in the oven, dessert's almost done; My cookbook is soiled with butter and crumbs. I've had all I can stand, I can't take anymore; Then in walks in my husband, spilling rum on the floor. He weaves and he wobbles, his balance unsteady; Then grins as he chuckles, "The eggnog is ready!" He looks all around and with total regret, Says, "What's taking so long....aren't you through in here yet?" As quick as a flash, I reach for the knife; He loses an earlobe; I wanted his life! He flees from the room in terror and pain And screams, "MY GOD WOMAN, YOU'RE GOING INSANE!!" Now what was I doing, and what is that smell? Oh darn its the pies! They're burned all to hell! I hate to admit when I make a mistake, But I put them on BROIL, instead on BAKE. What else can go wrong? Is there still more ahead? If this is good living, I'd rather be dead. Lord, don't get me wrong, I love holidays; It just leaves me exhausted, all shaky and dazed. But I promise you one thing, if I live 'til next year, You won't find me pulling my hair out in here. I'll hire a maid, a cook, and a waiter; And if that doesn't work, I'LL HAVE IT ALL CATERED!
*Contributed by my dear friend, Shirley. I love you!
Childhood Heroes
You Might Never Guess
Captain Kangaroo passed away on January 23, 2004 as
age 76 , which is odd, because he always looked to be 76.
(DOB: 6/27/27 )
His death reminded me of the following story.
Some people have been a bit offended that the actor, Lee Marvin,
is buried in a grave alongside 3 and 4 star generals at Arlington
National Cemetery. His marker gives his name,
rank (PVT) and service (USMC).
Nothing else. Here's a guy who was only a famous
movie star who served his time, why the heck does
he rate burial with these guys?
Well, following is the amazing answer:
I always liked Lee Marvin, but didn't know
the extent of his Corps experiences.

In a time when many Hollywood stars served their country
in the armed forces often in rear echelon posts where they
were carefully protected, only to be trotted out to perform
for the cameras in war bond promotions, Lee Marvin was a
genuine hero. He won the Navy Cross at Iwo Jima. There is
only one higher Naval award... the Medal Of Honor

If that is a surprising comment on the true character of
the man, he credits his sergeant with an even greater
show of bravery.
Dialog from "The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson":
His guest was Lee Marvin. Johnny said, "Lee, I'll bet a lot
of people are unaware that you were a Marine in the initial
landing at Iwo Jima ..and that during the course of that
action you earned the Navy Cross and were severely wounded."

"Yeah, yeah... I got shot square in the bottom and they
gave me the Cross for securing a hot spot about halfway
up Suribachi. Bad thing about getting shot up on a mountain
is guys getting' shot hauling you down. But, Johnny, at Iwo I
served under the bravest man I ever knew... We both got
the cross the same day, but what he did for his Cross made
mine look cheap in comparison. That dumb guy actually stood
up on Red beach and directed his troops to move forward and
get the hell off the beach. Bullets flying by, with mortar rounds
landing everywhere and he stood there as the main target of
gunfire so that he could get his men to safety. He did this on
more than one occasion because his men's safety was more
important than his own life.
That Sergeant and I have been lifelong friends. When they
brought me off Suribachi we passed the Sergeant and he lit
a smoke and passed it to me, lying on my belly on the litter
and said, where'd they get you Lee?' Well Bob... if you make
it home before me, tell Mom to sell the outhouse!" Johnny,
I'm not lying, Sergeant Keeshan was the bravest man I ever
knew. The Sergeant's name is Bob Keeshan. You and the
world know him as Captain Kangaroo."

On another note, there was this wimpy little man
(who just passed away) on PBS, gentle and quiet.
Mr. Rogers is another of those you would least suspect of
being anything but what he now portrays to our youth. But
Mr. Rogers was a U.S. Navy Seal, combat-proven in Vietnam
with over twenty-five confirmed kills to his name. He wore
a long-sleeved sweater on TV, to cover the many tattoos on
his forearm and biceps. He was a master in small arms and
hand-to-hand combat, able to disarm or kill in a heartbeat.

After the war Mr. Rogers became an ordained Presbyterian
minister and therefore a pacifist. Vowing to never harm
another human and also dedicating the rest of his life to
trying to help lead children on the right path in life. He hid
away the tattoos and his past life and won our hearts with
his quiet wit and charm.
America's real heroes don't flaunt what they did; they quietly
go about their day-to-day lives, doing what they do best.
go about their day-to-day lives, doing what they do best.
They earned our respect and the freedoms that we all enjoy.
Look around and see if you can find one of those heroes in
your midst. Often, they are the ones you'd least suspect, but
would most like to have on your side if anything ever happened.
Take the time to thank anyone that has fought for our freedom.
With encouragement they could be the next Captain Kangaroo
Take the time to thank anyone that has fought for our freedom.
With encouragement they could be the next Captain Kangaroo
or Mr. Rogers.
*Contirbution by Michael James Anthony
"Here lives a free man. Nobody serves him."
--Albert Camus, writer, philosopher, Nobel laureate (1913-1960)
*Contirbution by Michael James Anthony
"Here lives a free man. Nobody serves him."
--Albert Camus, writer, philosopher, Nobel laureate (1913-1960)
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